Welcome to the HMIS Part 2 Clarity Training! This training is required for all users and must be completed before your Clarity HMIS account is created by 211OC Staff.
This training will take you through the data entry process and functionality of our new HMIS software, Clarity.
Throughout the training you will see links to the OC HMIS Knowledge Base. Please make sure to click on these links and read the linked articles, as the quiz at the end of the lesson may include questions based on information in the Knowledge Base article.
This training should serve as an ongoing resource. When you receive your Clarity HMIS account login information, you should log back in to this training to help you complete your HMIS data entry.
If you would like to access the Clarity training site so you can follow along in HMIS as you complete the training, please request your agency’s user name and password from your Agency Administrator. You can access the Clarity training site here. Do not enter any real client information in the Clarity training site.